About Us

Spirit, Love, God, And Cakes.

Designer Cakes, Desserts, and Confectionary Items made for Special Occasions with Love.

Hello everyone, I am Vartine Garabet, and I own a licensed home bakery ‘Spirit Made Cakes’ and specialize in baking delicious and unique cakes for any occasion. I am a self-taught licensed cake designer and mother of three beautiful boys.

What I most enjoy about baking cakes is mixing together different ingredients, flavors, and colors while taking on new challenges and trying new baking techniques. Sometimes I feel like I am addicted to baking and decorating cakes. Besides baking, I really like singing, praising the Lord, and serving in my community’s church. I have always been known as the “Baking Lady” since I was about twelve years old.

In my younger years, I baked a peach pie, and my mother invited our next-door neighbors to come over.  All of them were dazed by how delicious the pie was, and that’s when I truly felt the passion inside me for the fantastic art of baking. From that day onward, I continued baking and made all kinds of cakes, pastries, cupcakes, and so much more. When I made a special cake for my son’s baptism celebration, God put in my heart that it was time to start a business and let my passion for baking and making cakes grow further.

I truly believe in learning from others. Anyone who has taken a chance on themselves and is doing what they love possesses treasured information we can all learn from. My advice to other bakers starting their own at-home business is that ‘Always imagine creating something unique. Baking a cake is an art form as it requires imagination, intuitiveness, and conception. Never give up and keep trying over and over because failure is the mother of success. And surely, be patient. In every dream, you feel the fear of success. My fear was not how I would become financially successful. But because my dream was big, I was hesitant to start my own business. The difficulties and obstacles trained me to be stronger in achieving my goal.’ Albeit, I do wish that someone would have told me that “baking a cake is an all-day job.” 🙂

I only use the freshest and finest ingredients for my wide variety of bakery items that are made and sold fresh daily – cakes, pastries, cookies, cupcakes, and special sweet treats, to name a few. With my passion combined with my unconditional love for God Almighty and my family, I can bake the most delicious cakes for all my customers. I believe that my cakes, love, and artistry, can put a smile on the face of all my customers.